How to get that beautiful whiteish soap

by Jewels
(Tasmania, Australia)

Hello beautiful people :O) With regards to the previous question on layering different colours, I wondered how you got the white part of your soap so white?????.

Most of my uncoloured soaps have that yellow/creamish tinge. I have seen other peoples soaps and they are whiter than white which is often a great contrast.

By the way, thank you all so much for sharing your craft. Our lifes lessons are nothing if we are unable to share them ...Thanks Jewels


Getting a white soap depends on the ingredients you use in the soap base. The whiter the ingredients...the whiter the soap.

The scent oils you use will also determine the colour of your soap. Even the clearest looking scents can turn a lovely white soap a tan colour.

If I really want a white layer, I use as many white ingredients in the base recipe as possible, add some white mica or titanium dioxide and if the layer is small enough, I leave out the scent...I just divide the scent between the rest of the base.


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Re Icing Sugar
by: Julie

Hello and thank you for that tip. I know a lot of ladies actually add sugar (around 1Tbsp ppo) which increases the bubbles. So this is perhaps the icing sugar is worthy of a try. I am currently using a pinch of Titanium Dioxide just to make the selected portion a little whiter, and to date this is working well. I have had a couple of batches go astray a little, but suspect I didn't mix the TD well enough. I pay much more attention to this now.

Hope your all well

Take Care

icing sugar
by: Jenn

Could icing sugar possibly make the soap a bit lighter?


Sorry Jenn but icing sugar will not make the soap noticably whiter. Your best bet for whiter soap is to use the whitest/clearest base ingredients possible and add some titanium dioxide or white mica.


It just doesn't get any better than that
by: Jewels

Dear Cathy, thank you very much for your answer to my question. You just dont know how wonderful it is to have someone on line that can just answer that tricky little question from time to time. I'm sure I am with everyone when I say thankyou for helping us all.
We are really blessed to know you.
Will give the Oxide a go, and will let you know how the masterpiece did or didn't turn

Have a great day

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