Soap Swirling

by Barbara
(Catoosa, OK)

I'm not a newbie at making soap, however I don't know how to make the beautiful swirls in the soap. I've tried searching for a video but couldn't find anything worthwhile.

My swirling trials are all laying at the top of the soap instead of going through. Can you give me some pointers..suggestions..or a slap in the right direction? Thank you!


No problem Barbara!

The trick is in the pouring.

We'll pretend that you've just made up the soap base and it's at a thin to medium trace (not too thick or the swirl will not penetrate the soap base).

You need to pour off a small amount into a jug...preferably one with a handle....something like a larger plastic measuring cup. Add the contrasting colour and mix well.

Once you have poured the main colour into your mold and are ready to pour the marbling/swirling colour, hold the jug up quite high from the soap mold and slowly pour in a swirling pattern until half of the soap is in the mold. Then lower your jug to just above the soap and pour off the remaining amount in the same manner.

Pouring the soap from different heights sends the soap to different levels within the base soap.

Then use your spatula/thermometer/whisk (or whatever you use to swirl with) and create your marbling pattern.

Another method is to pour half of the base soap then half the contrasting soap in a marbling/swirling pattern. Then repeat with the remaining base and contrasting soap. Swirl.

Hope that helps,

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Slippery When Wet Soaps
by: Robyn

Use a 5 color method. Each cup will hold equal amounts of soap (or close). The important part is to have a very light trace. That way it gives u a chance to 'swirl'.

Pour a small amount of each color in the mold going the length of the mold.. back and forth. Use all the soap! Take a skewer or knife and hitting the bottom of the mold, swirl it around. When done, pour the 'driblings' of each cup on top of the mold.

Another way is to have the base color white. Again, I'll use 5 colors in each cup. Alternately pour these colors in 'clock pattern' like at 12.. 3.. 6..9.. and the middle. After u use all the colors, take a spatula and swirl these colors together going clockwise. Then take the spatula and go from 12 to the middle, then 3, the middle, 6, the middle, etc. After u like what u've done, pour it into the mold.

Both methods should turn out beautiful. Use colors that blend good or are a great contrast to each other. Hope this helps!

Good Luck Barbara
by: Heavenly Scent Soaps

Hi Again:

So, I trust that you found some good tutorials online for the Funnel Method/Technique?

I love it and it produces some interesting patterns. Each bar is different.

Please let me know how things turn out (email:

Kind Regards,

The Funnel Method
by: Barbara

I'm so excited I could hardly type this message fast enough to thank you (Heavenly Soap)for offering information on this GREAT METHOD!! When you start good from the inside you want to reflect the same goodness on the outside too! Maybe my soaps will sell a little better with some visual help. MANY THANKS AGAIN TO ALL OF YOU!!

A great idea!
by: Heather

Very interesting technique! I'll have to give that one a try next time I make swirls! I've made swirls before seperating my colors into different pitchers and pour them back and fourth slowly, swirling one color through my mold then the next color back and forth. It's works well but I like your idea of the height! Thanks!

Funnel Technique
by: Heavenly Scent Soaps

I'm an experienced soaper and am "swirl challenged" too. I found a method that works pretty well. It's called the Funnel Technique.

If you Google 'Soap Swirling Using Funnel Technique', you'll get some good hits. I've had good luck with it, so far.

Soap Swirling Technique
by: Barbara

So THAT'S the trick.. from different heights and thin trace! Ok, is there anything one can do if the base soap is already thick before separating out for the color? My thought would be to add a little water as it will most likely evaporate during cure. Is this correct?

Thank you!

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