Soap Overheat

by Sylvia

I made a shampoo bar this morning, in the afternoon about 4pm, the soap was caking nicely and I tot I'll cut it much later, 2 hours later, the soap overheated. I used the recipe from the Internet as below.

Barbara’s Shampoo Bar Recipes
20 oz sunflower oil
6 oz coconut oil
4 oz castor oil
4 oz lye
11 oz very strong chamomile tea (with 2 sugars added) or
4 oz water (to add lye to) and 7oz very strong chamomile tea( with 2sugars )
I don't recommend using a stick blender for this as it traces very very quickly. I usually make in a morning and cut as soon as it is set, I don't insulate either.

Do you know what can I do with the overheated oil? Should I just leave it overnight and see what happens or do I re-batch them?


The results of overheated soap can vary from batch to batch.

If the loaf of soap only cracked a bit on top and has interesting "crackle" marks throughout the soap, it is usually fine to use and keep.

If it has large cave-like holes and has seperated leaving you with puddles of oil, my first thought would be to throw the batch out.

You could try rebatching it as long as you use all the leaking oils as well but I'm not certain how it will turn out. You would definitly need to check the soaps pH levels when its done.

Good luck,

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Soap Overheat-Room Temperature
by: Anonymous


Is room temperature a major consideration when insulating soap to set?

The weather here in Malaysia is hot & humid all year long.

Would love some feedback on this.



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