Making Soap Balls

Making soap balls is great way to use up some of those leftover soap bits that we all seem to have laying around.

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This idea isn't new by any means but it is a fun project and with a little imagination you can create your own unique version.

Consider adding in flower petals for decoration or try layering colours for a jaw breaker you wash, the soap will change colours!

I sometimes like cutting the balls in half so you can see the pattern inside and because I find they are more 'user friendly' that way.

This gives the soap a flat surface to wash with and a curved surface for your hand to hold the bar.

Soap Balls

Begin the process by collecting up all of your soap scraps and dividing them up into similar or complimentary colours. Get creative....mix and match your colours. You can make soaps that look like river rocks or speckled eggs or use bright colours for a confetti explosion look!

Chunks of soap for soap balls

Using a cheese grater, shred up your soap bits into containers. If the soap has been around awhile, you may want to add a very small amount of water, essential oil or carrier oil to moisten the mix slightly.

Soap Shreds for Soap Balls

Grab a small handful of the soap shreds, squeezing and rolling them into a small ball. Be sure to press until the soap ball is really hard and no longer squishy. Add another layer and continue squeezing and rolling. Keep going until the soap is the size you want it.

If you want to cut the ball in half you will need to use a large, smooth knife or better yet, a pastry scraper with it's thin blade. Gently push the blade through the ball. You may need to do a little damage control around the edges, smoothing them back down.

If the soap is fresh, allow the balls to cure for the full cure period. If the soap is already cured, it is good to let the balls sit for a week or two so the added moisture can evaporate and the balls can harden up.

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