Organic handmade soap ingredients.

by Anonymous

I see some homemade soaps that are made with natural (non) organic ingredients and some that are made with natural organic ingredients.

When it comes to eating foods I understand the benefits of organic. But what about soap making? I notice the organic ingredients cost a lot more.


Any product that doesn't fit into the 'regular' variety is more expensive it seems. Organic is no exception, unfortunately.

Whether to use organic handmade soap ingredients or not is completely a personal choice.

I would imagine it is better for our bodies to use organic products...after all, our skin is our largest organ and absorbs everything that is put on it.

As you have said, it is sometimes terribly expensive to purchase organic ingredients and not all of us can afford to do so.

For myself, if I couldn't afford to purchase organic ingredients, I would still rather use non-organic handmade soaps that I made than store bought commercial soaps.


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Why use organic
by: Julie

I think organic ingredients are much better because they have not been genetically modified. Like any genetically modified ingredients, they lose most of their nutrients. In food, genetically modified food has a lot less nutrients and this is why so many people have vitamin deficiencies and get sick. It is the same with skin care products, if you want the full effect from your ingredients you should use organic products, however, not everyone can afford organic, in that case you are still better off using natural ingredients. At least they will not harm your skin like many chemicals in commercial soaps, but for someone with skin issues I would always recommend organic.

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