Mixing dried fruit, herbs, leaves in the CP soap?

by Maria

I have used Ann Watson's book with great success and in her recipe for the first try which contains shea butter, olive oil and coconut oil I want to add dried fruit, like dried apples, prunes, etc. I would also like to experiment and put dried flowers inside and maybe some herbs.

Would it work?

I intend to stir into the mold.

Thanks, Maria.


Chunks of fruit (dried or otherwise) do not fair well in handmade soap. The chunks will eventually go moldy just as they would outside of the soap. Even though dried fruit has a really long shelf life it will go moldy once it is in contact with any liquid.

Those who have been successful at adding in fruits and vegetables to handmade soap have pureed them first.

Also be aware that the shelf life of any soap that contains fruits and vegetables will have a shorter shelf life than soaps without.

Dried flowers can be added but most go brown once in contact with the soap. Calendula petals are one flower that will retain their colour very well.

Herbs are great to add to handmade soap but again some are better than others. Some keep their colour and others will fade quickly or turn brown.

Visit my page on Herbal Natural Soap Ingredients for a list of some of the choices out there.


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