Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil comes from the boswellia sacra (also known as B. carteri) tree and has been used for centuries as an incense in India, China and within the Church.

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Frankincense Essential Oil Properties

  • This oil is said to have anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and astringent qualities. 
  • The pale yellow-green oil is steam distilled from the resin of the tree and has a wonderfully spicy, warm, woody scent. 
  • Is non-toxic and non-irritating to most individuals. 
  • Often used for dry and mature skin, wrinkles, scars and as a fixative in soaps, lotions and perfumes. 
  • Blends well with woods, spices, citrus, geranium, lavender, chamomile, basil, sage, pine, bergamot and myrrh.

This information is provided for reference use only and is not meant to substitute the advice of a licensed health care professional.

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